"Sanctification of persons, families and parish communities through growth in deeper prayer before our Eucharistic Lord.
Before the Blessed Sacrament bring a prayer of healing and comfort for a true shepherd.
Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
Harvest Vocation Prayer Ministry
Members pray for increase of vocations in general and "adopt" a priest or seminarian as their special prayer intention.
The Vatican
The Vatican Key Documents on the Eucharist
To help Catholics live the last month of the Year of the Eucharist, the Holy See has made key documents on the sacrament easily accessible on the Vatican Web page.
Should children be encouraged to attend Eucharistic adoration? Find out here.
The St. Therese Marian Vigil Society can help you start a vigil in your parish to pray for Life, Marriage, Family, and Priests/Religious; the four key pillars necessary for a culture of life.
The Archdiocese of Chicago
An Hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (Tracts for Our Times)
The Blessed Sacrament
Three Visits to the Blessed Sacrament
This Great Sacrament of Love
Catholics in America
Marytown is home of a group of Conventual Franciscans, the national center of the MI movement founded by Saint Maximilian Kolbe, liturgical and devotional events including a 24 hour perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapel, a National Shrine to Saint Maximilian located in the chapel, Marytown Press, Immaculata Magazine, a giftshop/bookstore, and a Retreat and Conference center with thirty double occupancy rooms and Conference Hall seating 400. Purchases can be made using our online Marytown Press Shopping Basket. Email: mail@marytown.com
Prayer Warriors of the Holy Souls
Priests for Life